Leaders on a May Training trip, hiking the Appalachian Trail
Why Donate?
We want every freshman who wants to do FOOT to be able to do so! Donations ensure that we can give financial aid to all foot participants who qualify for it. They also allow us loan for free equipment to freshmen who may not own their own packs or sleeping pads.
Whether you are a FOOT alumni or parent of a leader or Footie, we are very grateful for your support! Thank you for helping us make FOOT as inclusive and equal of an experience for all incoming freshmen as possible. We really appreciate it.
How Do I Donate?
Online - Visit
Visit This Page. At the “My contribution is to support” prompt, select “Other,” then type in “FOOT” below.
Via Mail
Checks may be made out to Yale University and sent to the Yale University Office of Development, P.O. Box 2038, New Haven, CT 06521-2038. Be sure to mark on your check or an attached note that your gift is in support of FOOT.
Want to help or learn more?
If you’d like to get more involved or learn more about how donations help support FOOT, please reach out to poobahs@gmail.com.
Thank you again for your generosity!!